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Times Viewed: 14311
Double Doux
Doux Whitetails
Son of Mr. T
Mr. T (Louisiana wil
Louisiana wild stain
Wild buck Mississ
Louisiana wild sta
Wild buck Mississ
Louisiana wild sta
Roland Landry fondat
Big&Wide Buck ( Rola
High Rack Daughter (
Wild buck Mississ
Louisiana wild sta
High Rack Buck, R
Louisiana wild sta
Semin still available off this one of a kind, Double Doux is a legend buck from wild bloodlines from Louisiana's Mississippi Delta region, both Uncle Sugs Mr.T has sold more photographs than any buck in the industy. If you own plying cards thats Mr.T on most. Double Doux came off Uncle Sugs farm as a yearling. I have 10 straws of semin from Double Doux left to that Dr. Ray Farvaro drew from this awsom typical Southern Monster Genetics, with matching droptines! B&C 227" and 50" of mass, body weight 344 pounds! Died 06/05/2010 Double Doux (Double Sweet)