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Times Viewed: 13254
TTR Gold Digger
The Turner Ranch
Orange 7
High Roller
Yellow 125
Yellow 35 Superdoe
TTR White 107
Flees Rocky
Gonzalez Doe
Flees Bucky
Gonzalez Foundati
Gonzale Foundation
TTR Gold Digger is out of Waldvogel´s Jeckyl, Jeckyl is been lately on sales do to his production and having the power of Rolex as his sire and a superdoe Orange 7 as his Dam the reason for O-7 to be such a producer is having a great sire and dam like Flip and Superdoe (Shadows Mom). On Gold Digger dam side we have a Rocky Doe that is a good producer for the ranch. The anchor doe is a Gonzalez doe that got sold and lost track on her pedigree.